Tag / noguchi taiso
Practices: Natural Movement for Agriculture and Physical Work (w Imre Thormann)
Imre Thormann is a Butoh dancer and a teacher in Noguchi Taiso – a special Japanese movement based on natural movement and implementing the principles of the nature into one's body. (you…05 October 2017 -
Practices: Images and Objects for Inspiration in Movement (w Imre Thormann)
Imre Thormann is a dancer and Noguchi Taiso practitioner. In his work he often uses objects to demonstrate the basic natural movement principles. In September 2017 we made an interview with him…05 October 2017 -
Practice: Dance as the Prayer of Instinct (w Imre Thormann)
Imre Thorman is a renowned Butoh dancer and Noguchi Taiso practitioner. He has a very interesting and honest approach to movement and dance and his practice is very inspiring for ∞OS. In…05 October 2017 -
Practices: Natural Movement in Everyday Life (w Imre Thormann)
Imre Thormann, one of the most renowned Butoh dancers from Europe, is also a teacher of Noguchi Taiso – a special technique, which is based on integrating the natural principles of movement…05 October 2017
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