Schedule / Day 1 (Inside + Outside):
Part 1 — Introduction: Physical Warmup
This workshop is a combination of theory of practice, but even when we do the theory we will always try to understand it through the body. So, in this first part of the workshop we will perform a warmup that will help us activate the body and all the different patterns of moving / responding to our environment.
Part 2 — ∞OS and Networks
During this introduction session I will present the main concepts of ∞OS bodymind operating system and demonstrate how they resonate with many different concepts from network theory. We will focus on various notions like nodes, connections, network motifs, temporary formations, network propagation and assimilation, dynamic non-equilibrium states. We will perform several interactive exercises that will help us have an embodied understanding of networks and of all these concepts. We will then see how they can be translated into everyday behavior and integrated into the daily life. We will perform these exercises outside in order to come in contact with the environment and have inspiration from it as well.
Part 3 — Break
We will gradually shift towards a break but trying to keep these same concepts in our system while doing the daily stuff.
Part 4 — Feedback Session + New Iteration
Feedback is an important part of the process. We will share the experiences and observations, so we can enhance our collective process even further.
Schedule / Day 2 (Outside)
Part 1: Warmup
We will start our session in the forest and perform a warmup activating the senses and our body.
Part 2: Walking Backwards
Just like the day before we explored the various ways and strategies we can have to interact with the other bodies and with the environment (in the social context), in the same way we will also explore how to apply this same approach in the nature. In this exercise we will explore walking backwards with eyes closed in the forest. Learning the concepts of adaptation, assimilation, infiltration and propagation in relation to the nature.
Part 3: Listening to Movement / Moving Together
We will then explore the various ways to listen to movement and to move together using the senses other than eyes. We will try to create different network-like formations in the natural landscape and see how they can be used to propagate movement, action, sound, smell and touch.